The Best Sales Techniques For Selling More Books

The Best Sales Techniques For Selling More Books

As an author, selling books is one of the most important aspects of your career. Every book you sell means more exposure and potential growth for your writing and brand – but it’s not always easy to achieve such success. This blog post will explore the best ways to market and sell your books so that readers keep coming back for more. From leveraging online marketing strategies to building relationships with local businesses, we have all kinds of ideas on how authors can make their novels fly off the shelves! (more…)

The Impact of Critic Reviews on Book Sales

The Impact of Critic Reviews on Book Sales

Do reviews by professional book critics make a difference in how books sell? A recent study by the publishing research firm seems to suggest that they do. According to their data, books that receive at least one positive review from a major book critic are 11 times more likely to be reprinted than those without any reviews. (more…)

Tips to Help You Become a Bestselling Author

Tips to Help You Become a Bestselling Author

If you’re an aspiring author, you know that becoming a bestselling author is no easy task. There’s a lot of competition, and the publishing industry is tougher than ever to break into. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. With these tips, you can give yourself the best chance of success. (more…)